The Company

Dulce Duca is the greatest living juggler in Geldeston.

She conceives absurd and surrealistic shows for cats, chickens and cows.

She has performed in 12 countries including Macau, Brasil, Cabo Verde...

Dulce Duca es la mejor malabarista con vida de Geldeston.

Conceive espectáculos absurdos y surrealistas para gatos, gallinas y vacas.

Ha actuado en 12 países entre ellos Macao, Brasil, Cabo Verde...

Dulce Duca conceives comic, absurd and surreal shows that will make you laugh or run away. She never won any awards, but her first solo “UM BELO DIA” was nominated for best street show at the 2013 Zircolika awards...

However, she has already performed in more than 10 countries, including China, Mexico, Brazil, Cape Verde... She runs a circus school in the United Kingdom – Drillaz Circus School; Creates stories for the radio, broadcasted on BBC radio; Collaborates on several projects such as Gandini Juggling (UK), Collective Protocole (FR), Pistacatro (ES); Creates events with and for local communities and city councils, provoking connections between the population, with the aim of raising awareness about emigration through music, gastronomy and circus.
